Lithostrotos & Basilica


Discovered in 1857 during the building of the school by Father Ratisbonne, the ever present silence offers the person of faith space for reflection and prayer. The Lithostrotos (Roman Paving) under the Convent is considered to be where Jesus suffered at the hands of the Roman soldiers, and where the trial by Pontius Pilate took place. 

JOHN 19:5 Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to them "Behold the man" - ECCE HOMO.

Within the same area you can see: • THE CISTERN (Struthian Pool) • THE PAVEMENT (with the 'game of the kings' played by the Roman soldiers, cut into the stone)

A descriptive leaflet, in most languages, will be provided to all Lithostrotos visitors.

VISITING TIMES: 8.00am - 5.00pm Every day (on Good Friday, for prayer only)

GROUP PRE-BOOKING: by email please. 


The Basilica can be viewed by entering an area from the Via Dolorosa. Those staying at the Pilgrim House will be welcome to enter the Basilica and are invited to join Mass at the advertised times. For visitors, Mass or Services of Worship can be pre-arranged. Please telephone or email your request.
At other times the Basilica is available for prayer and reflection.
Within the Basilica can be seen the (Northern end) of the Ecce Homo Arch, a triple arch erected by Hadrian as a gateway to the Plaza. It can be seen spanning the Via Dolorosa outside the Basilica.
The Basilica was consecrated in1868 and in 1918 named 'Basilica of the Crowning of the Thorns'.





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